Linen Table Cloth: 6 ft. Fitted Polyester Tablecloth (7 Colors)

6 ft. Fitted Polyester Tablecloth (7 Colors): $10.29.

Similar to stretch tablecloths, our collection of fitted tablecloths offers a snug fit for rectangular banquet tables. Made with caterers in mind, each fitted tablecloth features a vertical slit for easily accessing equipment stored beneath. Also ideal for market and display tables, these linen are made from our durable polyester fabric and are available in seven (7) colors.

Refund Policy:

You may return most new, unopened items within 30 days of delivery. Delivery date is determined by the shipping carrier's record of delivery day/time.  Refunds total will be for the item/s value minus a 20% restocking fee (see Restrictions below).

We know ordering online is sometimes challenging, so you may also return a single opened item–that is otherwise in brand new condition–used for sizing or quality checking. If we receive your items in approved condition, you will be refunded for the full value of your items, minus a 20% restocking fee and the cost of the return shipping (if you provide a prepaid shipping label, you will only be subjected to the 20% restocking fee). The refunded value does not include your original shipping costs. Return authorization is required prior to returning your items. Please follow the instructions at “How do I return an item?” Found in the FAQ section of our website.

If, after the 20% Restock Fee and Return Shipping Label has been deducted and you would end up with less than a $10 refund, your return will be denied.

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